Now it’s time to start writing your project. You will write a project that you might do next year. You will describe this project during presentations on Thursday afternoon. You are not going to do a full simulation of the project.
Divide the responsibilities evenly among your group so that everyone is involved.
Use the Google Drive Document instructions under the "How To" tab in the Handbook to assist you.
The project write-up should include specific items.(page 43)
Implementation Plans
Draft your ideas of how you might use this project next year. When might you want to do the project? Who will be the lead coordinator? How many classes might participate from each area? What time of year would this project be implemented?
Day 3 Small Group Checklist
Do you have a Google Drive Document started? Have all members been invited?
Do you have a Publisher? Has their PBworks account information been submitted to the lead facilitator?
Begin Day 4 Activities (as time allows)
Daily Reflections
What new vocabulary did you learn?
Think about local time, MysteryQuest project format, Global Nomads Group, group work.
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