Day 4
Page history
last edited
by Roxanne 7 years, 12 months ago
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Facilitator Info
Lead Facilitators
Ken Conn, i2i Technologies
Roxanne Glaser, i2i Technologies Amy Spath, CNYRIC
Time Zone Map
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Day 4 Activities
Local Time
- Videoconferencing Comparison Discussion
- Volunteer Jobs
- Communication Specialist (TodaysMeet)
- Multi-Point Facilitator & Roll Call Leader (page 7)
- Technical Facilitator (Remote How To) (pages 12-14)
- Photographer (Post photos to Flickr) (page 8)
- Prep for Roll Call - 6 Word Summary of the Week
- Changing Education Paradigms Video
- Quad Action Planning Sheet (page 50)
- Year Long Planning Sheet (page 47)
- 2016 123VC Jazz Follow Up & Planning Form
- Final Evaluation
Small Group Work - Day 4
- Preparing Your Presentation
Now prepare an advertisement or commercial to share your project to the whole group (all participating sites).
Here are the requirements for your presentation:
- The presentation should be an advertisement or a commercial for your project.
- EVERY person MUST speak on camera for a portion of your presentation.
- Use the document camera to show at least one visual.
- Publish your project to your Small Group Projects wiki page. Use the PBworks instructions under the "How To" tab in the Handbook to assist you.
- Presentation must be no longer than 7 minutes.
- Small Group Implementation Scenarios
So you’ve written a great project in your small group. Now how are you going to actually do it this year? Review potential scenarios for a group with six people. (page 45)
- Last Minute Group Meetings, Preparation/Practice, & Final Presentations
- Small groups to meet one last time and finalize any last details.
- Be sure to practice with the timer to ensure you are within the seven minute time limit.
- Practice with your visuals. How will you show them?
- Links to all Small Group Projects
- Please provide constructive feedback for each group in the comments section.
Daily Reflections
What new vocabulary did you learn?
Think about local time, ASK project format, group work, last four days.
Highlighted Links
Day 4
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