
Group 3

Page history last edited by hennagir.librarydeb@gmail.com 12 years, 5 months ago


Project Authors
P. Denise Wischmeyer, Edison Middle School, HISD, 6901 Avenue I Houston, Texas 77011 pwischme@houstonisd.org

Deborah Hennagir  Pin Oak MS  HISD4601 Glenmont Dr.  Bellaire, Tx  77401  713.295.6500  EX  324 dhennagi@houstonisd.org   hennagir.librarydeb@gmail.com  

Patti Hernandez Sam Houston Math Science Technology Center 900 Irvington Blvd. Houston, Texas phdez49@gmail.com

Velma Lloyd Ridgegate Elementary School, FBISD, 6015 W. Ridgecreek Dr. 77053 Houston, TX, 281.634.4848

Subject Area: Reading

Grades: 6th grade

Description for Program: This project focuses on developing students’ reading skills in the areas of reading comprehension, character development, interpreting main ideas and setting, problem/solution, and vocabulary development using varied genres of literature.  It is intended for participation from whole groups of students from two different middle school campuses. Collaborative lesson with an elementary school in another district. Video conference will take place the 3rd or 4th week. Discussion conference on character trait, problem/solution, theme, compare and contrast setting.

Learner Outcomes:
Based on the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) for English Language Arts and Reading -

Part 1: Narrative Texts: Structures and Elements

ELA.6.1A Adjust fluency (rate, accuracy, expression, appropriate phrasing) when reading aloud grade-level text based on the reading purpose and the nature of the text.
ELA.RC.6A Establish purposes for reading selected texts based upon own or others’ desired outcome to enhance comprehension.
ELA.RC.6C Monitor and adjust comprehension (e.g., using background knowledge; visualizing; rereading a portion aloud; generating questions).
R ELA.RC.6D Make inferences about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.
R ELA.RC.6E Summarize, paraphrase, and synthesize texts in ways that maintain meaning and logical order within and across texts.
S ELA.6.4A Explain how figurative language (e.g., personification, metaphors, similes, hyperbole) contributes to the meaning of a poem.
S ELA.6.7A Identify the literary language and devices used in memoirs and personal narratives and compare their characteristics with those of an autobiography.
R ELA.6.8A Analyze and explain how authors create meaning through stylistic elements and figurative language emphasizing the use of personification, hyperbole, and refrains.
ELA.6.14A Plan a first draft by selecting a genre appropriate for conveying the intended meaning to an audience, determining appropriate topics through a range of strategies (e.g., discussion, background reading, personal interests, interviews), and developing a thesis or controlling idea.
ELA.6.14B Develop drafts by choosing an appropriate organizational strategy (e.g., sequence of events, cause- effect, and compare-contrast) and building on ideas to create a focused, organized, and coherent piece of writing.
ELA.6.16A Write a personal narrative that has a clearly defined focus and communicates the importance of or reasons for actions and/or consequences.
ELA.6.19A.i Identify, use and understand the function of verbs (irregular verbs and active and passive voice) in the
␣- English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)    - Literacy Leads the Way Best Practices - State Process Standard    R - State Readiness Standard    S - State Supporting Standard
- Aligned to Upcoming State Readiness Standard    © Houston ISD Curriculum and Fort Bend ISD Curriculum
T - TAKS Tested Objective (only 11th grade)    2012 – 2013 Page 1 of 29
TEKS/SEs (district clarifications/elaborations in italics)
ELA.6.19A.viii Identify, use and understand the function of transitional words and phrases that demonstrate an understanding of the function of the transition related to the organization of the writing (e.g., on the contrary, in addition to) in the context of reading, writing, and speaking.

Time:  First six weeks

Preparation before reading: Prepare background knowledge, vocabulary building, classroom job descriptions and establish and manage reading centers such as appropriate group behavior and proper etiquette prior to the start of reading of books.  Small group learning centers that will rotate every 20 minutes; they might include: author’s study, timeline, character traits, figurative language, reading and listening and a daily writing center for summarizing. Once a week one group will participate in the a weekly blog post. Posts might include reflections, responses to teacher driven questions.
Preparation during reading: Whole Group: prediction exercises before each chapter; small group: sketch and write in a journal after each chapter.
Preparation after reading: Whole Group: Teacher created quiz after each chapter students can use journal notes.

Materials: Books: Unwind, by Neil Shusterman,  setting is the near future, parents are allowed to sign an order for their children between the ages of 13 to 18 to be unwound or taken to harvest camps for the purposes of harvesting body parts.  Adoration of Jenna Fox by Mary Pearson, Jenna is 17 years old, she just woke up from a coma, she is told she is recovering from a terrible accident, a year before.  What happened before that Jenna does not remember her life. Other materials needed: journal writing materials, audio player, recordings of books.

Videoconference: Preparation Each teacher should select one of the books from the list so that each campus reads a different book. Each class will prepare one of the following: a character trait study chart, wanted poster, mask or dress up as the character, one chart explaining book theme, create a timeline and or story plot elements chart, summary chapter book or cartoon clips, author’s study. Presentations should persuade classes to read the book Classes should practice presentations skills and to manage time.

Video conference: Materials Copy of the books that will be used, any props, costumes, or materials that will be used for the story.

Video conference:  Agenda – Total Time: 30-45 minutes
Welcome and introductions. The main facilitator welcomes each class and reviews the agenda and order of presentations (pre-determined)
5-7 minutes per class – Each class creates a title and a persuasive dramatic presentations
3-5 minutes per class – Each class will mute their microphones and discuss story elements such as characters, theme, timeline or story plot, and summarize chapter book or cartoon clips for each presentation.
3-5 minutes per class – The main facilitator leads a sharing between the classes and their comments on identifying characters, theme, setting, and plot and author’s study for each presentation.
5 minutes – Wrap up. The main facilitator leads as each class shares their learning experiences and ideas for the next video conference.

Post Activities: A writing activity could be incorporated where the students from each class develop a pen pals type of project together in between the videoconference connections. It would also be helpful to have the students reflect on the activities through blogging.
Assessment & Evaluation: The students’ learning will be accessed through participation grades, as well as individually made teacher rubrics to assess the quality of the projects. The assessment of the use of videoconferencing will come from student feedback as well as teacher/facilitator meetings prior to each videoconference.
Implementation Plans: This project is designed for reading classes to participate in. It can be spread out to occur over a semester or entire school year. The lead facilitator will be one of the site teachers, librarian and technologist from one of the participating schools.








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