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Group 4

Page history last edited by dmonmouth 12 years, 2 months ago

Where in USA is …....


  • Project Authors


Claudia L. Dominguez Clardy Elementary School, El Paso ISD cldomin1@episd.org


Dawn M. Kale Piney Point Elementary School, Houston ISD dawnkale@gmail.com


Dennis Monmouth Almeda Elementary School, Houston ISD dmonmouth@gmail.com


         Jose Jeddery Mitzi Bond Elementary El Paso ISD- josejeddery@gmail.com

           and jljedder@episd.org


  • Subject Area: Social Studies,Technology, Language Arts and Math


  • Grade Level: 2nd, 3rd, and 5th


  • Description

We will explore United States Memorials and Monuments. Students will research an U.S Monument or Memorial and build a 3-D small scale model. Students will also use video conferencing to complete a Mystery Quest with 3 other schools.


  • Learner Outcomes

Students will be able to identify and explain the significance of various monuments and memorials in the US.


  • Objectives
    • SS.2.01B Identify and explain the significance of various community, state, and national landmarks such as monuments and government buildings.
    • SS.2.03A Identify several sources of information about a given period or event such as reference materials, biographies, newspapers, and electronic sources.
    • SS.5.05C Identify the accomplishments of individuals and groups
    • SS.5.07B Describe a variety of regions in the United States such as landform, climate, and vegetation
    • SS.5.17E Explain the significance of important landmarks, including the White House, the Statue of Liberty, and Mount Rushmore.
    • SS.4.16A Explain the meaning of various patriotic symbols and landmarks of Texas, including the six flags that flew over Texas, the San Jacinto Monument, the Alamo, and various missions.
    • SS.3.17A Research information, including historical and current events, and geographic data, about the community and world, using a variety of valid print, oral, visual, and Internet resources.(8)  Solving problems.
    • 126.3 Technology Applications

          The student uses research skills and electronic communication, with appropriate supervision, to create   new knowledge. The student is expected to:


    • (A)  use communication tools to participate in group projects;
    • (B)  use interactive technology environments, such as simulations, electronic science or mathematics laboratories, virtual museum field trips, or on-line interactive lessons, to manipulate information; and
    • (C)  participate with electronic communities as a learner, initiator, contributor, or mentor.



3 to 4 weeks for research and presentation

How many videoconferences will this take?  

4 video conferences one per location.


  • Over what time period?

4 consecutive Fridays


  • How many class periods?

4  forty-five minutes class periods


  • Preparation:

Introduction Activity:



  1. a structure erected to commemorate persons or events
  2. a burial vault (usually for some famous person)
  3. an important site that is marked and preserved as public property




  1. a structure erected to commemorate persons or events
  2. a written statement of facts submitted in conjunction with a petition to an authority
  3. a recognition of meritorious service


Small groups of children will need to research a US monument or Memorial to prepare a mysteryquest.



Answer at least one question from this category.

1. What is the region of the United States in which your Memorial/Monument located?
2. What other landmarks are close to the monument/memorial?


Answer both questions from this category.

1. What is the relative location of this monument/memorial (i.e. Describe its location compared to another significant location of your choice. Be fairly specific as our time is short for guessing.)
2. Which direction from the country capital do you travel to reach the monument/memorial?

Answer at least four questions from this category.

  1. What period of US history does your monument/memorial represent?
  2. Who created, built or designed your monument/memorial?
  3. Does your monument/memorial represent a person or concept? explain.
  4. What important historical event does your monument/memorial most closely represent?
  5. List 3 additional facts about your monument/memorial.
  6. Give a clue about the size. please be creative(ie it is larger than a frying pan but smaller than an elephant.)


  • Materials:
  • Video Conferencing Equipment
  • Document Camera
  • Postcards, Magazines, Pictures, Almanacs, and Maps.
  • Other printed reference materials
  • Paper, Pencil and Art Supplies


  • Videoconference Agenda


Agenda: 45 minutes

5 min. Welcome and introductions.

20-28 min. Presentation. Each class shares a 5-7 minute

presentation of clues.

20 min. Silence on the videoconference. Each class works

to research to solve the mysteries presented.

20 min. Clarifying questions. Each class asks clarifying

questions of all the other classes.

10 min. Silence. Classroom teams reevaluate their answers.

10 min. All classes share their guesses.

10 min. All classes reveal the correct answers and sign off.


  • Post Activities

Trivia Game
           Small Group PowerPoint Presentations (Summarizing Details of a Particular Memorial)
           Small Group PowerPoint Presentations (Summarizing Details of a Particular Monument)

  • What activities do you recommend for follow-up to this videoconference?


  • Assessment & Evaluation
  • Presentation and Project Rubrics
  • Game Show Quiz









Comments (1)

Elsa Trevino said

at 2:29 pm on Aug 2, 2012

Neat way to make social studies more interesting.

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