
Group 6

Page history last edited by Elsa Trevino 12 years, 6 months ago

Title: Our Community
          Celebrating Differences – Culture and Individual Diversity

Project Authors:

Harry Memnon
Ft. Bend, TX
Ft. Bend Independent School Districts

Renum Saxena
Ft. Bend, TX
Ft. Bend Independent School Districts

Elsa Trevino
El Paso, TX

Ivan Roman
El Paso, Tx, USA

Subject Area and Intended Grade Level: Geography,  High School

Description:  This lesson is designed for students to share their communities.  It is designed to  share information from their personal lives, their school, and their city or town.  It is an opportunity for them to look at their place in our global village and share this with someone else.  Upon completion students would then exchange or share this information with students in another location.  The presentation could take a number of forms including: video, Power Point, Prezi, Podcasts, Digital Storytelling, Xtranormal, etc. and may include, but not be limited to videos, pictures, written accounts, artistic examples, statistics/facts, etc.  This assignment can be implemented across most curriculums.  For example, the focus could be on the history, ethnic makeup, culture, pop culture geography of a family, school, or region but it could be viewed through a scientific or mathematical lens by looking at statistics, the biodiversity of a region, or the types of flora and fauna of a region.  After sharing, students will be given an assignment that compares and contrasts their lives using a KWL chart.

Learner Outcomes:

  • Identify how people display prejudice toward others
  • Identify reasons for discrimination and stereotyping
  • Describe ways a person can guide diverse groups to work together as a team
  • Define key words: culture, discrimination, ethnic, minority, stereotype, …???

  • Standards:

    • Lesson Competency: Employ strategies for neutralizing the impact of personal prejudices and stereotypes on your relationships with others
    • Linked McRel Standards: SR1. Sets and manages goals, SR2. Performs self-appraisal, W04. Displays effective interpersonal communication skills, WO5. Demonstrates leadership skills
    • Thinking Processes Defining in Context – Circle Map* (Alt. = Mind or Concept Map, Sunshine Wheel)
    • Describing Qualities - Bubble Map* (Alt. = Star Diagram, Brainstorming Web)
    • Comparing/Contrasting - Double Bubble Map* (Alt. = Venn Diagram)
    • Classifying -Tree Map* (Alt. = Matrix, KWL, T-Chart, Double T, P-M-I)
    • Part-Whole - Brace Map* (Alt. = Pie Chart)
    • Sequencing -Flow Map* (Alt. = Flow Chart, Linear String)
    • Cause and Effect - Multi-Flow Map* (Alt. = Fishbone)
    • Seeing Analogies - Bridge Map* (Alt. = Analogy/Simile Chart)
    • * Thinking Map

      Core Abilities

      • Build your capacity for life-long learning
      • Communicate using verbal, non-verbal, visual, and written techniques
      • Take responsibility for your actions and choices
      • Do your share as a good citizen in your school, community, country, and the world
      • Treat self and others with respect
      • Apply critical thinking techniques
      • Multiple Intelligences Bodily/Kinesthetic Visual/Spatial Logical/Mathematical Verbal/Linguistic Musical/Rhythmical Naturalist Interpersonal Intrapersonal
      • Bloom’s Taxonomy Remember Understand Apply Analyze Evaluate Create
      • Structured Reflection Metacognition What? So What? Now What?
      • Socratic Dialog E-I-A-G
      • Authentic Assessment Observation Checklist Portfolio Rubric Test and Quizzes Thinking Map® Graphic Organizer Notebook Entries Logs Performance Project

      • Time: 60-minute with 45-minute periods with activities

        • Find a Project Partner ~ Example: Use CAP space (Collaboration Around the Planet)
        • Pair students with the partner school to share their community
        • Have students research and prepare their project
        • Have students share their findings with their partner from another region

        • Materials:
          • Video Conferencing Equipment
          • Computers and Internet Access
          • KWL Chart

          • Videoconference Agenda:

            5 min. Welcome and introductions

            10 min. Create a KWL chart and fill out the K and W parts on the following:

            What do you know about the other group’s community and people?

            What would you like to learn about the other group’s community and people?

            15 min. Presentations including the visual

            10 min.    Questions and answers.

            Post Activities:

            • Role-play a fictitious group. Students could play their roles as “group members” noting characteristics, attitudes, and behaviors of a group as a whole.
            • Students create a Bubble Map characterizing each team. Ask questions about what team they think would be most valuable under certain circumstances.

              • Apply: Students consider their own stereotypes and prejudices. Distribute and have students complete the Celebrating Differences – Culture and Individual Diversity Performance Assessment Task.
              • Have students work collaboratively on the KWL chart to fill out the L part: What did they learn about the other group’s community and people that they didn’t know before?

              • Assessment and Evaluation:

                • Employ strategies for neutralizing the impact of personal prejudices and stereotypes on your relationships with others
                • Directions:

                • For this performance assessment task, you will write about ways you can celebrate differences. For this assessment you will:

                  1. Create a written personal plan for accepting others who are different.

                  2. Use the attached scoring guide criteria for what you need to do to complete this task.

                  3. Submit your completed performance assessment task and scoring guide to your teacher for evaluation and a grade.

                  • Observation Checklist Portfolio Rubric Test and Quizzes Thinking Map® Graphic Organizer Notebook Entries Logs Performance Project

                  • Criteria Ratings

                    1. Your plan describes some of your prejudices and stereotypes

                    met not met

                    2. Your plan describes misconceptions you have about others

                    met not met

                    3. Your plan describes ways you can become more accepting or tolerant of other cultures or minority groups.

                    met not met

                    4. Your plan describes personal goals toward becoming a person who celebrates the differences in all people.

                    met not met




















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