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2014 - Group 4

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Powerpoint Language Exchange Group 4.pptx


video clip and article on a community exchange 



a song dove abito io




Language Exchange - Learning about our Communities - Where am I?



Rosanne Perla, East Syracuse Minoa Central School District, Pine Grove Middle School and East Syracuse Minoa Central High School, East Syracuse, NY  teachitalian@me.com  


Cathy Ritter, Educational Technology Specialist, Fort Worth ISD, Fort Worth, TX, Cathy.Ritter@fwisd.org


Subject Area and Grade Level:  Italian 2 (9th grade)



Where am I? What is my community like? Describe your community in Italian.   


Learner Outcomes:  

  • Students will practice the target language using the community vocabulary in listening, speaking and writing activities.

  • Students will develop their vocabulary, speaking, writing and listening skills.


National LOTE Standards:


  • Standard 1.1: Students engage in conversations, provide and obtain information, express feelings and emotions, and exchange opinions

  • Standard 1.2: Students understand and interpret written and spoken language on a variety of topics

  • Standard 1.3: Students present information, concepts, and ideas to an audience of listeners or readers on a variety of topics.

  • Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the relationship between the practices and perspectives of the culture studied

  • Standard 5.1: Students use the language both within and beyond the school setting


ISTE Student Technology Standards

Communication and Collaboration

Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively, including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of others.

a. Interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a variety of digital environments and media.

b. Communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a variety of media and formats.

c. Develop cultural understanding and global awareness by engaging with learners of other cultures.

d. Contribute to project teams to produce original works or solve problems.



  • Teachers review vocabulary in previous 2-3 class period.

  • Students create pictures and writing.

  • Students videoconference for 40-60 minutes.  Students present vocabulary on community and ask    questions in the target language.



  • Teachers should exchange vocabulary lists, classlists (first name) prior to videoconferencing.

  • Students will use vocabulary words to write sentences.  

  • Students will draw or find pictures/clipart that describe the sentence/vocabulary/community.

  • Prepare questions using the vocabulary on community in the target language.


Materials:  Paper, pencil, crayons or computer lab and printer


Videoconference Agenda:


5 minutes:  Welcome and introductions.

  • Students will be given vocabulary on the topic of community.

  • Prior instruction will be given as well on vocabulary.


40 minutes (20 minutes each class): Presentations


  • Students will make presentations in the target language using pictures and vocabulary words about their community.

  • Post vocabulary list and use target vocabulary often.


10 minutes:

  • Students will ask questions of each class to clarify understanding.


5 minutes:  Wrap Up


  • Debrief - each classroom tells one trivia fact about their community (it could be a famous person, a monument or any other unique detail.)


Post Activities:


  • Students compare and contrast their community to participating classes community and do a Venn Diagram.

  • Students will write thank you to participating class.


Assessment & Evaluation:


  • Vocabulary fill in sentences quiz

  • Prior - writing sentences using vocabulary


Implementation Plans:

Pre-Conference plans:

1. Teachers from both classrooms collaborate on one common list of vocabulary words.

2. Teachers share the vocabulary words with their classes.

3. Teachers assign the entire class the whole vocabulary list and introduce/teach the vocabulary with a variety of     activities.

4. Teachers assign students groups to work with and 5 different words each.

5. Students work with clip art or draw a picture of the vocabulary word they are assigned.

6. Students write a sentence for each vocabulary word in the target language.

7. Students write questions to ask about the community.

8. Student collaborate as a class on a trivia fact that they would like to tell about their community.


Video conference:


1.  Students present pictures with words.

2.  Students ask questions about each other’s community.

3.  Students say the words in English.

4.  Students present a community trivia fact.


Post Video Conference:


1.  Students create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting their community with the target language community.

2.  Students write thank-you notes.

3.  Teacher sends thank-you notes.



Vocabulary list is not complete yet,but almost complete.


Vocabolario - La mia quartiere


  1. andare

  2. essere

  3. avere

  4. fare la passeggiate

  5. il parco

  6. la piscina

  7. lo stadio

  8. la biblioteca

  9. il negozio di (abbigliamento, scarpe, …)

  10. la palestra

  11. la stazione di treni / di autobus/ di pullman

  12. la fermata

  13. la scuola

  14. l’università

  15. il centro commerciale

  16. l’aeroporto

  17. la chiesa

  18. la tabaccheria

  19. la banca

  20. il ristorante

  21. il bar

  22. la trattoria

  23. la gelateria

  24. l’edicola

  25. la cartoleria

  26. il mercato

  27. il grande magazzino

  28. il supermercato

  29. la piazza

  30. la fontana

  31. in centro

  32. in periferia

  33. il teatro

  34. il cinema

  35. in città

  36. lo zoo

  37. il campo sportivo

  38. il campo da tennis

  39. il mensa

  40. la libreria

  41. il palazzo

  42. una casa

  43. una villa

  44. l’appartamento

  45. la fontana



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