
2015 - Group 1

Page history last edited by Ken Conn 9 years, 6 months ago


Destination (insert your city here)


Project Authors:

Rosa Gomez; 2nd grade Hicks Elementary (AISD); rosa141986@gmail.com

Nicole Unthank; 2nd grade Hicks Elementary (AISD); nmunthank@gmail.com

Julie Blackmer; 3rd grade Chancellor Elementary (AISD); desselles.julie@gmail.com

Crystal Wickliffe; 3rd grade Cummings Elementary (AISD) ; crystalwickliffe@yahoo.com

Natasha Williams; 3rd grade Cummings Elementary (AISD); natjarnak@hotmail.com

Denise Lapine; 1st grade Rockwell Elementary (CNYRIC); dlapine@ocs.cnyric.org


Subject Area: Social Studies 1st, 2nd, 3rd


Description:This project is designed to engage students from two different classrooms in a culture exchange. The project focuses on research and communication skills.  It is intended for participation between two classes.  Classes will share information about their city and then create a poster, pamphlet, google slide presentation or other technology product.  


Learner Outcomes: Social Studies Skills.

2.1 - The student understands the historical significance of landmarks and celebrations in the community, state, and nation


(A) explain the significance of various community, state, and national celebrations such as Veterans Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving


(B) identify and explain the significance of various community, state, and national landmarks such as monuments and government buildings.


3.2 - The student understands common characteristics of communities, past and

present. The student is expected to:


(A) identify reasons people have formed communities, including a need for security, religious freedom, law, and material well-being;


(B) identify ways in which people in the local community and other communities meet their needs for government, education, communication, transportation, and recreation


3.13 - The student understands ethnic and/or cultural celebrations of the local community and other communities. The student is expected to:

(A) explain the significance of various ethnic and/or cultural celebrations in the local community and other communities


Time: This project will require student preparation. The time period will depend on the age of the students. The culmination will be one 60 minute video conference to share presentations.


Preparation:   Students will collect data on their community to present.  Students will have the choice of different kinds of media such as power point, posters, Google Slides, Prezi, Tackk and gloster, picollage. Students will collect data on the following:  location, weather, landmarks, fun places to visit, sports, interesting facts, celebrations, etc.  The other class will have the opportunity to ask questions at the end of the presentation.   Each group member will be assigned a task or role.   A rubric will be given to each group outlining requirements. Mini lessons on landmarks, weather, etc. may need to be given to front load students .

Denise will arrange bridge with Amy path between OCS and Alief.

Materials: Visual Aids:  Poster Boards, props, computer, tablets, markers, note taking materials (graphics or paper for notes)


Video Conference Agenda:

  • 5 minutes Overview and explanation

  • 6 minutes per group- Group A (3 groups- adjust time if there are more groups)

  • 5 minute response- Group B

  • 6 minutes per group- Group B (3 groups- adjust time if there are more groups)

  • 5 minute response- Group A

  • 5 minute debrief


Post Activities:  Compare and Contrast using discussion and/or written description of  both cities.


Assessment and Evaluation:Assessment will look different according to each teacher and grade level.


Implementation Plans:   Classes will each find corresponding classes on CAP, so that all of the presentations are paired with someone who is out of state.







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